The person receiving medication. This person is also sometimes known as:
a. Resident: In a Residential Aged Care setting
b. Participant: In a NDIS disability setting
c. Consumer: In a Home Care Package setting
d. Client: In a consultancy setting
A registered healthcare provider (E.g. Doctor, GP, NP) who is responsible for Patient care, specifically medications.
A registered healthcare professional that dispenses medications according to a Prescription.
A registered healthcare professional that provides care to the sick or infirm.
A person who regularly looks after a sick, elderly, or disabled person.
An organisation that coordinates provision of care to a sick, elderly or disabled person.
A manager within a Care Organisation.
A formal communication from a Prescriber to a Pharmacist, authorizing them to dispense a specific drug for a specific Patient.
The current medication regime for the Patient. Prepared by the Prescriber.
The record which sets out information relating to the Patient (e.g. age, allergies, co-morbidities), including their Medication Chart and medication history. Usually prepared by the Care Organisation with input from the Pharmacist and the Prescriber.
The entity that enters into the Subscription Agreement for StrongCare software and a Service Agreement with Rightmed. This entity is typically a Care Organisation, e.g. Aged Care Provider, SIL Provider, Community Nursing Organisation.
A User is a person who uses the StrongCare software.
a. Prescriber (GP and NP)
b. Pharmacist
c. Nurse
d. Carer (Care Worker)
e. Care Manager
f. Note
- A Patient is usually not a User.
- A family member of a Patient is usually not a User
A registered facility that accommodates and cares for elderly people.
Medication management software provided by StrongRoom AI Pty Ltd. Rightmed is a distribution partner of StrongRoom AI Pty Ltd for Patients not residing in a RACF.
The services Rightmed provides to the Customer that are in addition to and support the StrongCare software and services.